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It’s been said that no one is a prophet in their own land, but the man history knows as Nostradamus would definitely be the exception to that rule.

This blog will introduce you to one of the most mysterious and fascinating man ever born on earth, named Nostradamus. Nostradamus is one of the most popular non-Biblical prophets in the history of the world. That holds true even today, centuries after his death.

Who is Nostradamus?

He was a French astrologer, physician, and reputed seer. Countless books interpreting his predictions have been produced, as well as documentaries and even TV shows like 'The Nostradamus Effect'. Nostradamus rejected the idea that he was any kind of prophet but his predictions which are so accurate say otherwise. 


Born in the south of France in 1503, Michel de Nostradame was the son of a prosperous and historically Jewish family. For Jewish families living in that part of France at that time in history, the choice given by the Christian ruling class was either to see everything they owned confiscated by the state or to convert to Christianity.
Nostradamus Prediction Montage of Hitler and other disasters

Nostradamus predictions-

Depending on which source or translation you consult, Nostradamus predicted everything including the dawn of the atomic age, the fall of the Twin Towers on September 11, the Third World War, and a lot more over the past few centuries and for centuries to come.

He avoided offending powerful people of the time, who understandably didn't like to receive bad news and were only too willing to punish the messenger for it. But he also had to be wary of the church, which might have supposed he was getting his future visions through unholy means, rather than the “science” of astrology. 

Nostradamus about kalki avatar-

The Eastern man will come down from his throne and cross the Apennines into France through sea and air and will strike the evil ones with his sword.

Nostradamian scholars claim that this verse, among others, is intended to predict the coming of Kalki, the 10th and final avatar or incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu. Kalki is a kind of savior who will come to end bad times and punish the wicked, ushering in a new golden age for the world. But note that this particular prediction doesn’t even mention Kalki, Vishnu, or Hinduism. That's just how Nostradamus rolled, and it was up to the reader to interpret the perceived symbolism and references in the quatrain to make any determination about the prophecy's true meaning.

How Accurate Was Nostradamus?

The glib but honest answer is that the predictions of Nostradamus are as accurate as you want them to be. Just like astrological charts, psychic readings, fortune cookies, and other forms of foretelling and divination, the future is and always has been what the customer would like it to be. Nostradamus' predictions are composed in such a way that the reader can interpret them in any way they want. 
The fact is, no average person today has the access or ability to read the predictions in the original archaic French that Nostradamus used. This creates an incredible opportunity to interpret the original verses to fit almost any notable world event happening. 

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Until we meet again ...🙌


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