Weird phobias 👾😬

Hello Lovely People!!!

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Todayyy... FunBlogs will show you some of the most weird and fascinating (just weird) phobias amongst people. You all must be aware of the term phobias, which is the extreme fear of something and the levels can vary person to person. 

You might have already heard of some phobias like hydrophobia, hemophobia, acrophobia and many more. So let's begin with some of the most bizzare phobias:

Nomophobia (Fear of being without your mobile phone)

People with nomophobia experience excessive anxiety about not having their phone with them, their battery being low or their phone being out of service (sounds like a Gen-Z and Gen-alpha problem🤐). Not being able to use their phones can lead to panick and anxiety. This rare disorder is often experienced by people who have a severe cell phone addiction. Even though the phobia is rare, but cell phone addiction is common nowadays (like you..and me😂).

Plutophobia (Fear of money)

Weird right! Who doesn't wants money in todays world. Not because it is a flex but because it is a necessity. People with plutophobia may fear wealthy people or fear becoming wealthy themselves.People with this fear may potentially sabotage their careers to avoid making more money or becoming wealthy. The fear of becoming wealthy may stem from a fear of the responsibilities and pressures associated with it or the fear of being the victim of a robbery. (Seems like I can be great friends with a plutophobic person since they don't like wealthy people 🤧)

Ablutophobia (Fear of bathing)

This phobia most often occurs in children and resolves with age, but it can still be present in adults. People with ablutophobia avoid bathing and showering, which can lead to unpleasant body odor and sometimes social isolation. Ablutophobia may result from a traumatic event involving water or a fear of getting wet. This can also be related to aquaphobia, which is the fear of water.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (Fear of long words)

Ironically, it is also the longest word in the dictionary. Just imagine the person with hippopot..shdbdhsh...phobia explaining that he has hippopo...shshnzocbyxbs..phobia and he is scared of the word itself which hippop...shshbzhdh..phobia. (I know you didn't read it correct even when I wrote the actual spellings☠️). It is also know as sesquipedalophobia. It is believed that the phobia of long words develops from being embarrassed by pronouncing long words incorrectly. This may occur while reading aloud in front of the class as a child. The phobia can be common in people with dyslexia.

Ephebiphobia (Fear of adolescents)

People with ephebiphobia may perceive teenagers as out of control or dangerous. They believe that teenagers are rude, unpredictable and rule-breakers. (I mean...where's the lie🙃). This fear may develop from the negative portrayal of teenagers in the media. People with ephebiphobia avoid interaction with teenagers as much as they can.

Stay tuned to see more of weird phobias✨

Until we meet again.🤗


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